CEO compares Michelle Obama to chimpanzee

In the latest unnecessary onslaught of racial slurs, the CEO of Tennessee's Hospitality Association made the bold decision to send an e-mail out to a group of public figures where he compares the first lady, Michelle Obama, to a chimpanzee...

In the latest unnecessary onslaught of racial slurs, the CEO of Tennessee’s Hospitality Association made the bold decision to send an e-mail out to a group of public figures where he compares the first lady, Michelle Obama, to a chimpanzee.

It was reported by the Tennessean of Nashville that CEO Walt Baker’s e-mail compared Obama to the sidekick of character Tarzan, Cheeta. The message features a picture of the first lady caught off guard with her lips pursed, accompanied by a chimp that has a similar expression on its face.

How many of these figures would be up here apologizing if they weren’t caught? There’s no point in saying sorry for something that had its full intentions when the idea first came to mind.

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