Obama calls Georgetown student called a 'slut' by radio host Limbaugh

President Obama placed a call to the Georgetown student disparaged as a 'slut' by talk radio host Rush Limbaugh for testifying in favor of women's access to birth control...

President Obama placed a call to the Georgetown student disparaged as a “slut” by talk radio host Rush Limbaugh for testifying in favor of women’s access to birth control.

From MSNBC.com’s Michael O’Brien:

President Obama called Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke on Friday to offer her words of encouragement amid a controversy involving Rush Limbaugh’s words toward her.

Obama called Fluke shortly before her appearance on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Fluke said in a subsequent appearance on the program.

“He encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women,” Fluke said in her description of the call. “What was really personal for me was that he said to tell my parents that they should be proud.”

WATCH – Andrea Mitchell discusses Rush Limbaugh’s attacks on a Georgetown student:
[MSNBCMSN video=”http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640″ w=”592″ h=”346″ launch_id=”46605417^10^354600″ id=”msnbc4df91e”]

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