Michelle Obama, Beyoncé appear on 'Best Selfies' list

TODAY - 'Tis true: 2013 is the year of the selfie. Oxford Dictionaries made it official Monday, announcing it as their Word of the Year 2013...

‘Tis true: 2013 is the year of the selfie. Oxford Dictionaries made it official Monday, announcing it as their Word of the Year 2013.

The venerable authority on language revealed that the frequency of the word has increased by 17,000 percent since this time last year. (In case you’re lost on what we’re talking about — umm, where have you been? — see below.)

selfie noun, informal
(also selfy; plural selfies)
a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website

We’ve featured our personal favorites throughout the year, but want to know: What’s your favorite selfie of the year? Scroll to the bottom to vote!

The first lady snapped an afternoon shot with Bo on the White House lawn. Bo just loves the presidential landscaping.

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