Tent cities are home for business in Haiti

VIDEO - In the midst of a Port-au-Prince tent city, a business district if you will, is built among these makeshift homes...

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

In the midst of a Port-au-Prince tent city, a business district if you will, is built among these makeshift homes. Like most of the vendors here, this woman lost her stand in the earthquake. So she brought her wares here and is still in business.

“I have to do something to make money.”

There are dozens just like her. Setting up shop to offer just about any service or product residents might need.

For some, this commercial area has become the only way to make money until they can return to work.Teacher Marco Saintil borrowed a generator and pockets two dollars for every cell phone he charges.

“I’m trying to adapt with all of the people here. But the situation isn’t good but I’m trying to survive,” said Santil.