'Hurt Locker's' Anthony Mackie talks New Orleans and NYC bars
Details magazine interviewed 'The Hurt Locker's' Anthony Mackie about his latest film, 'The Adjustment Bureau,' growing up in New Orleans and opening up a bar...

From Details
**Details: Do you get recognized more often since the success of The Hurt Locker?
Anthony Mackie: **You know, it’s funny. With all the movies I’ve done, I still get recognized from my episode of Law & Order more than anything else. It never fails. I always know when my episode comes on. I’ll walk out my door and someone will be like, “Hey! It’s the guy!” I’m like, “Law & Order, right?”
**Details: Did you have a hunch that The Hurt Locker was going to win Best Picture?
Anthony Mackie:** Nobody expected that. If anybody tells you they expected that, they’re a damn liar. Oscar night, I put all my money on Avatar. I was like, “Yay, we won! Goddamn, I lost all my money.”
Details: You’re testing the sci-fi waters yourself, first with The Adjustment Bureau, based on a Philip K. Dick story, and then with Real Steel, about futuristic boxing robots.
Anthony Mackie: It’s like Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots for adults. I play a promoter, a real raunchy “I’ll break your leg if you don’t give me five dollars” type of guy. Like a 2035 Don King. I love Don King. He once said, “One thing I’ve learned in this business: If you set yourself on fire, everybody in the world will pay to watch you burn.” That’s the best advice I’ve ever heard.
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