Reality TV lands Reggie Bush in Danville, Ill.
DANVILLE, Ill. (AP) - It's part of a planned CBS reality-TV show, "Same Name." That means Reggie Bush of Danville, Ill., is spending time living the offseason life of an NFL running back...

DANVILLE, Ill. (AP) — New Orleans Saints running back Reggie Bush is spending the week in eastern Illinois.
It’s part of a planned CBS reality-TV show, “Same Name.” That means Reggie Bush of Danville, Ill., is spending time living the offseason life of an NFL running back.
Danville is a former Rust Belt town of 33,000 people about 140 miles south of Chicago. Residents say Bush the running back has filmed scenes at a housing complex and the Moon Glo restaurant.
Schlarman High School student Nick Catlin told The (Champaign) News-Gazette that Bush lifted weights with the school’s football team. Catlin says the hometown Reggie Bush is a construction worker.
The NFL star tweeted this week that he is “staying with a cool family out here that shares my last name!” He says the show will air in July.
Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.
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