Scorned 96-year-old woman speaks out on voting laws

VIDEO - Dorothy Cooper has been voting for over the past 70 years and this is the first time (including during the Jim Era) she's had problems...

Ninety-six year old Dorothy Cooper appeared on Rev. Al Sharpton’s Politics Nation to discuss the disrespect she’s been facing regarding the new voting ID laws in Tennessee. Cooper has been voting for over the past 70 years and this is the first time (including during the Jim Crow Era) she’s had problems. She tells Rev. Sharpton how she stood in line at the first voting center when she was alerted that she would need her marriage certificate to be able to vote. She left that particular voting booth and went to another where she was given the option to vote absentee. Dorothy Cooper states that she never, at the age of 96, thought that voting would be such a hassle.

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