Nicki Minaj launches Pink Friday fragrance
With pink hair, ample cleavage, and a "Nicki Minaj" name plate -- and of course matching pink lipstick -- her Pink Friday scent couldn't be more of an accurate and alluring totem for all those seeking to capture a little bit of the pop rapper's distinctive aura.

Nicki Minaj is an artist known for her multiple personalities, an aspect of herself that she expresses in the multiple facets of her career. While the tough-minded Roman Zolanski was likely responsible for her recent coup of joining the American Idol panel of judges, her softer Harajuku Barbie persona probably developed her latest endeavor, the Pink Friday fragrance.
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Luckily for her legions of fans, Nicki Minaj herself showed up for the launch of her signature scent yesterday at Macy’s department store at Herald Square in New York City. Posing with a large gold, pink and white bust of herself modeled after the product, Minaj blew kisses to the camera then signed autographs in an eye-popping pink, blue and white ensemble.
“The 29-year-old stepped out at Macy’s in New York to launch her Pink Friday scent sporting a pink police officer hat and revealing multicoloured low cut bra which showed off her ample curves to the maximum,” the Daily Mail described. “Blue and white leggings, blue platform shoes and a pink jacket completed the look, as the beaming star posed with the distinctive bottle.”
With pink hair, ample cleavage, a “Nicki Minaj” name plate — and of course matching pink lipstick — her Pink Friday packaging couldn’t be more of an accurate and alluring totem for all those seeking to capture a little bit of the pop rapper’s aura.
What’s in store for all who care to douse themselves in Minaj’s aroma? “Pink Friday, a blend of sweet florals, vanilla and musk is packaged in a bottle crafted in the likeness of Nicki, and she couldn’t be happier with the final product,” reports.
In fact, Nicki gushed as she told reporters that the design and concept of the perfume came to perfect fruition after two years in the making. To the performer who often speaks of her humble beginnings, the realization of Pink Friday was an empowering dream come true.
“As a little girl growing up in Southside Jamaica Queens, if anyone would’ve told me I’d have my own perfume one day, and be able to inspire young black girls everywhere, to go into Macy or Nordstroms and see their face staring back at them – I wouldn’t believe them,” Minaj said on The View about her latest achievement.
The Pink Friday fragrance was produced through a collaboration between Minaj and Elizabeth Arden. The launch of this product makes the entertainment juggernaut’s beauty portfolio a perfect trifecta of success, adding this scent to her OPI nail polish and MAC makeup partnerships.
Follow Alexis Garrett Stodghill on Twitter at @lexisb.