Meagan Good says she took vow of celibacy after filming 'Jumping the Broom' and 'hitting rock bottom'

Actress Meagan Good and her husband DeVon Franklin are opening up about waiting to have sex after marriage in their new book...

Actress Meagan Good and her filmmaker husband, DeVon Franklin, met while filming 2011’s Jumping the Broom, and the two are now opening up about the vow of celibacy they took prior to marriage in a new book The Wait: A Powerful Practice for Finding Love of Your Life and the Life You Love.

Good said that she felt that she hit “rock bottom” spiritually and emotionally around the time she was filming Jumping the Broom, and the renewed vow of celibacy, she said, helped to recharge her.

“It was in that prayer time that I came to the conclusion that I needed to be celibate, I needed to do something different than what I had been doing all the years before,” Good said. “I decided this is what I need to do for me, because I need to heal and I need to focus on myself and I need to advance myself in every area of my life without the distraction of feeling… that I need this man.”

As for Franklin, he felt that the vow was important because of his work as a preacher.

“I didn’t want to live two lives. At the time I wasn’t practicing celibacy, but I was still talking about it, and I said, ‘You know, I have to be the man that God called me to be,’ and part of that was taking this vow and waiting until marriage and when I stared doing that it gave me discipline that helped me in every other area of my life,” he recalled.

They went on to say that waiting was good for a stable relationship.

“When you take that out of the equation, you actually get to know the person across the board in every other way except the physical which, which comes later,” Good said.

They also drew a distinction between celibacy and abstinence.

“Abstinence is just, ‘Hey I’m not doing it.’ And we say, well, sometimes you can be abstinent because you don’t have options,” Good said. “But we define celibacy as abstaining from sex because there’s a higher purpose and a higher calling and we believe that it is specifically related to marriage.”


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