Former deputy director claims the KKK is ‘more American’ than Obama

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After making racist Facebook posts, a deputy director of the Shelby County Corrections Center in Memphis, Tennessee, resigned. However, he will still receive country benefits because he resigned rather than being fired.

One post referred to the president and first lady as “Obummer” and “Mooshell,” and David Barber later added that he hoped the Obamas were killed in an Arabic country. He also stated that he felt the Ku Klux Klan was more American than the Obamas were.

“I was offended,” Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell said. “I think anybody who read it would be offended. It was horrible. It was very offensive.”

— GOP responds to KKK ‘Victory Parade’ in North Carolina —

Luttrell added that the department learned about the posts on Friday, and on Tuesday, Barber resigned. Barber was not immediately terminated because the country wanted to give him due process in their investigation, though Luttrell did not that there was a possibility Barber would have been fired if he had not resigned.

“This was an action by an employee who should have known better. What he did, his behavior was intolerable; it was offensive. We afforded him his rights and due process. He recognized his discretion and [resigned],” Luttrell said.


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