Steve King calls charge of racism against Obama 'right on target'

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) says he was right "on target" when he accused President Obama of maintaining "a default mechanism" that "favors the black person" last month...

From Huffington Post:

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) says he was right “on target” when he accused President Obama of maintaining “a default mechanism” that “favors the black person” last month.

In a statement issued by King on Thursday, the Republican congressman asserted that testimony provided earlier this week by a former U.S. Department of Justice employee to the Civil Rights Commission proves his point.

Christian Adams, who was appointed to the DOJ as a voting rights attorney by former President George W. Bush, charged that the federal government’s decision to pull back on a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party was racially-motivated. He alleged that the Justice Department’s civil rights division, from which he recently resigned, “doesn’t want to protect white voters.”

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