GOP Senate candidate defends ‘chickens for checkups’ proposal

Republican Senate candidate Sue Lowden on Tuesday defended her claim that a "chickens for checkups" barter system would be an effective alternative to the recently-passed health care reform bill...

From Huffington Post:

Republican Senate candidate Sue Lowden on Tuesday defended her claim that a “chickens for checkups” barter system would be an effective alternative to the recently-passed health care reform bill.

She also said her original comments on the proposal were taken “way out of context.”

Lowden, who is seeking to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada, explained her previous statement in an interview with a local news outlet in Nevada:

“The truth of the matter is there is bartering going on in this state and in the country. It has been going on for years and it was a casual statement talking about the reality of what’s going on, and not in a negative way by the way. This is something — you know when I talk about bartering like you said it’s also bargaining for the price, asking doctors if there’s a different price if you’re paying cash or paying by check. We know this is going on.”

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