School for juvenile offenders is first of its kind (VIDEO)

VIDEO - When schools wouldn't accept students that had been through St. Louis' court system, Judge Jimmy Edwards of the juvenile court started one of his own...


When schools wouldn’t accept students that had been through St. Louis’ court system, Judge Jimmy Edwards of the juvenile court started one of his own.

The Innovative Concept Academy is the first school for juvenile offenders run by a court system. Edwards said it gives his students much-needed structure through high expectations and special services.

“How do you want these children back in the community,” asked Edwards in an interview with the Today Show. “Do you want them back a child that understands what it is to be decent and respectful or do you want them back as a menace to our community?”

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Students at The Innovative Concept Academy are required to stay in the school until they earn GED’s and gain employment. Students also receive services like medical and psychological counseling, along with three meals a day. Perhaps because of these efforts, the program has almost half the juvenile recidivism rate of the city of St. Louis at 11 percent.

The Innovative Concept Academy operates primarily from private donations. This year, Walmart provided all materials needed by the school and winter coats for its students. Walmart’s donations included a new gym, lunches for a full year and 18 computers.
“We are so greatful,” said Edwards. “I am overwhelmed. I am never at a loss for words. Today I am.”

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