Mary J. Blige is mad she didn't score a best song Oscar nomination

theGRIO REPORT - Mary J. Blige did not get an Oscar nomination for her original song 'The Living Proof,' from 'The Help.' The Grammy Award winning singer took to Twitter to express her outrage...

Mary J. Blige is upset she did not receive an Oscar nomination for her original song “The Living Proof,” from The Help.

The Academy Award nominations were announced yesterday and only two of the eligible five nomination slots were filled by the Academy by “Real in Rio” from the animated movie Rio and “Man or Muppet” from The Muppets.

Prior to the nominations being read live, Blige tweeted a message to her fans to pray that she was nominated:

“Ok Fam let’s all pray The Oscar Nominations are about to be announced..”The Help” all of the nods in the categories deserved+ Song.”

After seeing that she was not nominated, Blige tweeted in frustration to her over 2 million followers:

“I’m so thankful for true fans like you all. It saddens me & feels like the Academy is being mean. 2 only nominate 2 of the 5 slots is…….”

Later in the afternoon the Grammy Award winning singer tweeted an article from titled “What do Oscar voters have against music?” Along with a link to the article Blige wrote:

“Hey Fam pls reas this. So unfair. I still don’t see how they justify the action.”

Although Mary J. Blige did not get nominated for an Oscar, her song “The Living Proof” was nominated by the Golden Globes for best original song — but she lost to Madonna for her song “Masterpiece,” from the movie W.E.

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