Man named Samuel Jackson arrested for having same name as sex offender

VIDEO - Samuel M. Jackson, of the Chicago area, already has it rough it enough when it comes to name recognition...

Samuel M. Jackson, of the Chicago area, already has it rough it enough when it comes to name recognition.

But comparisons with the famous actor, Samuel L. Jackson, likely sounded wonderful to him after three other Samuel Jacksons got mixed up into his criminal background report. They’re Samuel Jacksons all convicted of sex offenses, two of whom are currently in prison.

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“He had a background check company that ran a background report that was grossly inaccurate. Almost laughably so if it wasn’t so outrageous,” said attorney Chris Wilmes, who represented the job-seeking Jackson in a lawsuit against the background check company InfoTrack. “He had a background check report that suggested he was a serious, serious sex offender and that he had committed crimes that merited life in prison.”

Wilmes said his client has no criminal record. His only fault? Having a common name.

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