Kevin Hart lands sketch comedy series at BET

Kevin Hart has landed a new comedy series with BET. 'House Husbands', which premiered during the 2011 BET awards that Hart hosted...

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Kevin Hart has landed a new comedy series with BET. House Husbands, which premiered during the 2011 BET awards that Hart hosted, will be expanded into a television show. No details have been released yet reveaomg who will be part of the show or when it will air. Whogottherole reports:

Kevin Hart is gearing up to star in his own TV show on BET.

During this pilot season the BET network has added a few new original series to their line-up and House Husbands, which will star Kevin Hart is one of them.

House Husbands will explore the question of what it takes to be a real Hollywood husband. The funny, hilarious, and outrageous House Husbands sketch, which aired during the 2011 BET Awards, has been bumped up from an idea to an actual show. Originally, the short performance starred Nelly, Bobby Brown, Anthony Anderson and Nick Cannon as Hollywood Husbands, but besides Hart the rest of the cast for the new series has yet to be announced.

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