Hadiya Pendleton is brought up during Senate gun control hearing

VIDEO - Police say Hadiya Pendleton died after she was shot in the back while hanging out with a group of teens in Vivian Gordon Harsh Park about 2:30 p.m...

During today’s emotional and at times combative Senate hearings on gun control, Hadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old girl who performed at President Barack Obama’s inauguration ceromonies and was gunned down in Chicago, became part of the discussion.

Sen. Dick Durbin, who represents Illinois, brought attention to the tragic death of Pendleton while making his remarks at today’s hearing.

“Just a matter of days after the happiest day of her life, she’’s gone,” Durbin said.

Hadiya belonged to the King College Prep High School band, which performed at several inaugural events in Washington, D.C.

Police say Hadiya Pendleton died after she was shot in the back while hanging out with a group of teens in Vivian Gordon Harsh Park about 2:30 p.m.

Pendleton was taking shelter from the rain under a canopy, when an unidentified man or boy jumped a fence and ran toward the group and opened fire, police said. The shooter then fled in a vehicle. No arrests have been made.

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