Racist Easter eggs sour holiday for some Virginia residents

VIDEO - Neighbors in Henrico, Virginia say they were shocked and appalled Easter Sunday morning after finding eggs with messages left on their front lawns...

HENRICO, Virginia – Neighbors in Henrico, Virginia say they were shocked and appalled Easter Sunday morning after finding eggs with messages left on their front lawns.

Each egg carried a slip of paper with a typed message. One message targets diversity and immigration. The other had links to websites outlining the ideology of whoever spread these eggs.

The message read “‘Diversity’ = White Genocide.” The slip of paper further states immigration of “non whites” is genocide. Other eggs had links to two websites, depicting more controversial ideology.

“I was stunned by it, on Easter Sunday,” said Jim McCarty. “I wonder how many children picked these up and said, ‘Look what I got. Oh, I got hatred on Easter Sunday. What a great gift.'”

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