Philadelphia city councilman attends "White Lives Matter" rally

theGrio REPORT - Around 200 people in Philadelphia gathered in a "White Lives Matter" protest that was supposedly about a recent attack by four black women on white victims. Among those gathered was city councilman Mark Squilla.

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Around 200 people in Philadelphia gathered in a “White Lives Matter” protest that was supposedly about a recent attack by four black women on white victims. Among those gathered was city councilman Mark Squilla.

The protests center around “what they claim are racial attacks at the hands of four black women who live nearby” and are demanding action from police, who they say have not done anything.

A woman claims that she was attacked as these black women shouted at her, “white [expletive] we’re gonna [expletive] you up!” And a man says he was similarly attacked on his doorstep.

A tipster gave the following report of the situation to Gawker:

Supposedly there was an argument between some women wherein a white woman was struck by a black woman. The police were called and determined it was a mutual fight with no real injuries and left the scene without arresting anyone.

A small group of white people related to the white woman then organized a ‘protest’ or rally. The rally was purportedly to speak out against violence in their neighborhood – specifically, they say, 4 black women they claim are ‘terrorizing’ their neighborhood…

The general gist though is that it was a seemingly small incident (no blood drawn) but the locals wanted an arrest. When the arrest wasn’t forthcoming, it quickly became exaggerated into the neighborhood being ‘terrorized.’ It’s just an unfortunate distortion of what happens in the neighborhood where a very small minority of white people feel inexplicably threatened by their diminishing role of ‘running’ the neighborhood.

However, the protest may not be on the level, as a look into the Facebook posts of the rally’s organizer, Jack Owens, shows a troubling history of racism.

In posts now deleted, there are references to “n****r history month,” and one image of an elderly black woman is captioned, “oldest living monkey not in captivity and/or jail dies today at 113.”

For his part, Mark Squilla addressed the crowd and assured them that the matter was being looked into. “We know there were several calls to 911 that day. We’re reviewing those calls. That will be put on record and decided why things went down the way they did,” he said.

Check out local coverage below.

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