Driver hits, kills boy then posts pictures of body on Twitter

Connie Cole is absolutely distraught after her 16-year-old son was killed when he was hit by a car, and the driver later posted pictures of her son's body to Twitter.

Connie Cole is absolutely distraught after her 16-year-old son was killed when he was hit by a car, and the driver later posted pictures of her son’s body to Twitter.

“Who does that? You have to be some type of monster,” Cole told WTLV.

Cole is now demanding that the 19-year-old driver be charged with a crime. She is also claiming that he should have been tested for drugs and alcohol, though the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office has said that the driver showed no signs of impairment and cooperated with officers. The incident, they indicated, was still under investigation.

Cole said that her son, Trevius Williams, was on his way to get a loaf of bread when he was hit. He was taken to a local hospital, but died before Cole arrived.

Following the death of Trevius, Cole was told by her niece that the driver had posted a picture of the body to Twitter with comments that read “I jus killed a man” and “RIP,” WTLV reports.

Earlier, the same Twitter account contained references to drinking “lean,” which is a combination of cough syrup and soda. Both tweets have since been deleted, and police have said that the reference to “lean” was in the lyrics of a song.

“I’m angry because detectives told me that there was no alcohol or drugs involved,” said Cole, who has two other children. “Well, how would you know if it wasn’t tested?”

“I don’t even want to go back home,” the heartbroken mother said. “I gotta pack up his clothes. I gotta give away his shoes. My son is never coming back.”

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