Cop not charged for bashing in woman’s face because he was ‘protecting’ her

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced its decision that Officer Daniel Andrew, who savagely attacked and beat a woman along the side of a highway, would not be facing any charges for the incident.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced its decision that Officer Daniel Andrew, who savagely attacked and beat a woman along the side of a highway, would not be facing any charges for the incident.

Their reasoning? Andrew was protecting the woman when he beat her, because he was keeping her from walking out into traffic.

Video of the encounter, which took place in July, went viral shortly after it was released and showed the woman being hit repeatedly as her head bounced off of the sidewalk. Andrew resigned shortly after the video was released, and the city paid out $1.5 million to the woman, Marlene Pinnock.

And yet the report claimed that “there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the force he used was unreasonable or excessive.”

District Attorney Jackie Lacey explained the decision not to prosecute Andrew this way: “When looking at all of the evidence, and especially the medical reports and eyewitness accounts, it becomes exceedingly clear that the officer, who was alone and struggling with Ms. Pinnock precariously close to evening freeway traffic, acted within the law.”

But obviously, not everyone agrees with Lacey’s assessment of the situation.

“I think Jackie Lacey’s cowardice decision not to prosecute Daniel Andrew is disgusting, completely disgusting. And she needs to be investigated,” said Pinnock’s attorney, Caree Harper.

“This is unbelievable. No one who has seen the videotape needed a bias report to determine that the beating suffered by Ms. Pinnock was criminal, it was clearly a use of excessive force, it was damn near attempted murder. I am appalled and disappointed in the decision made by DA Lacey,” said Community Activist and Executive Publisher of the Los Angeles Sentinel Danny J. Bakewell, Sr.

Community leaders are now calling for Lacey to step down and are also calling for an investigation of Lacey’s decision.



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