Teen girl dies after being beaten in front of her apartment

On Tuesday night, a teenage girl who was beaten up by another teen in front of her Coney Island apartment died after having been hospitalized for her injuries, according to her family...

On Tuesday night, a teenage girl who was beaten up by another teen in front of her Coney Island apartment died after having been hospitalized for her injuries, according to her family.

Ta’Jae Warner, 17, was allegedly attacked by 18-year-old Sarina Agard-Forde after Warner tried to stick up for her brother who was being taunted with obscenities.

Police say that Warner was thrown to the ground and punched and kicked, and they believe that she was knocked unconscious when she hit the ground, only to be hit again.  Only Agarde-Forde has been charged but the family insists there are more attackers on the loose.

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The incident took place on Saturday night, and Warner was declared brain dead by doctors on Tuesday.  They removed her from breathing machines after family members traveled into town to say final goodbyes. Warner’s family has opted to donate all of her healthy organs.

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Ta’Jae was the leading member of her dance team the Coney Island Showstoppers and her friends have been devastated by the news.

“We as parents we think we can protect our children at every given time,” said her father, Arthur Warner. “It’s not like that. Reality just hit me in the face and it’s not going to go away for some time now.”

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“We shouldn’t have to worry about our children walking outside, going to the store or coming home from school,” family friend Lissette Pizarro told ABC7 News. “It’s getting ridiculous. As a community, we should stick together. This is something that should never ever happen.”

Agard-Forde has been arrested and will face an attempted murder charge, according to police.

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