Sergeant in Kajuan Raye shooting stripped of police powers

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The fatal shooting of 19-year-old Kajuan Raye by a Chicago police sergeant has led to the sergeant being stripped of his police powers. The case is undergoing investigation by the Police Review Authority.

While the sergeant has claimed that Raye pointed a gun at him repeatedly, police have yet to find the weapon.

“Having been a police officer for 28 years, I know that this job is not easy and the decision to use force is extremely complex and must be made in seconds without the benefits of formal reviews and deliberations,” said Supt. Johnson in a statement.

“However, based on the little information we know at this point, I have concerns about this incident and feel this decision is in the best interest of the Department and the people of Chicago as we await a methodical and impartial investigation into exactly what transpired.”

Raye was fatally shot during a foot chase on Wednesday in the neighborhood of West Englewood. According to investigators, the sergeant involved in the shooting claims that Raye pointed a gun at him before he shot him. Despite days passing and police searching, they have yet to find the weapon Raye was reported to have been carrying.

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The sergeant will be on paid desk duty pending the completion of the investigation, though he will have to turn in his weapon and his badge. This is the most serious action the police department can take while an investigation is ongoing.

At this point in the investigation, it appears that the sergeant gave chase to Raye because he matched the description of a battery suspect.

The medical examiner on the case has ruled it a homicide and has noted that the teen was shot in the back.

Just outside the precinct, activists have been gathering asking for a chance in policing in the black community.

“You can put five or six black superintendents if you don’t change the policy, if you don’t change the procedure you will have the same problem that we are faced with today. Another young life that has been wrongfully taken,” said radio host Mark Wallace of WVON.

“Why is it that this young man has to get shot in the back. Why is it that there hasn’t been a gun that has been produced,” stated Pastor Gregg Greer of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

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