John Legend urges Obama to end criminal injustice before he leaves office

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In an open letter penned in Rolling Stone, John Legend urged President Barack Obama to do everything he can to end criminal injustice before leaving office next month.

“Your administration took bold steps to end juvenile solitary confinement, reduce the use of federal private prisons and move to “ban the box” for federal employees. While we hope the Trump administration and the 115th Congress will maintain this progress and continue to work in a bipartisan manner to reform our criminal justice system, it is unclear what their priorities will be and when families can expect justice,” Legend wrote.

He then added, “Before you leave office, I would like to add my voice to the more than 2 million Americans who have asked you to use your clemency and pardon powers to bring justice to the thousands of families of non-violent drug offenders who have waited far too long for Congress to act.”

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He praised the president’s actions before calling for Obama to take things even further, writing, “In 2014, you set out to reinvigorate our country’s approach to clemency. Your actions to commute the sentences of 944 individuals, including 324 life sentences, is unprecedented in the modern era. Nonetheless, more action is needed to dismantle the unjust policies of the past 40 years.”

In conclusion, he wrote, “Just as George W. Bush urged you to proactively address clemency on your way to your first inauguration in 2009, I am asking you to bring justice to thousands of families by granting as many clemencies as possible before you leave office.”

You can read the entire letter here. 

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