Usher reportedly says accuser isn’t his type, may have invited her onstage

Usher is reportedly telling friends there is no way he slept with the woman accusing him of sleeping with her without disclosing his alleged herpes status.

Usher is reportedly telling his circle of friends that there is simply no way that he slept with the woman accusing him of sleeping with her without disclosing his alleged herpes status.

The reason? She apparently isn’t his type.

During a press conference held after she and another woman and man filed suit against Usher, Quantasia Sharpton claimed that, around the time of her nineteenth birthday, the R&B star picked her out of a crowd during a concert. She claimed that he had security get her number and then called her and met up with her at a hotel, where they had sex.

–Usher accuser tweeted ‘I need money’ a week before filing lawsuit–

Usher claimed that it was entirely possible that he pulled Sharpton onto the stage, because he “looks to bring a diverse group of people up onstage, not just supermodels,” according to sources at TMZ.

One such source noted that Usher believes it is “an esteem booster” for various people to be pulled on the stage, which is why he does it.

Recently, Usher has been hit with lawsuits claiming that he did not tell his sexual partners that he allegedly has herpes. The lawsuits have come out of the woodwork after a recent report uncovering a 2012 lawsuit that Usher allegedly settled with a woman who claimed he gave her herpes. The settlement was for $1.1 million.

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