Trump gives props to Boston protesters for ‘speaking out against bigotry and hate’

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Donald Trump posted several tweets this weekend in response to the large scale protest of white supremacism in Boston.

The self-described free speech rally and counter-protest march brought thousands of people to the streets of Boston, most of them there to speak out against hate and racism.

First, he tweeted, “Looks like many anti-police agitators in Boston.” But by the end of the day he sang a very different tune saying, “Our great country has been divided for decades. Sometimes you need protest in order to heal, & we will heal, & be stronger than ever before!”

“I want to applaud the many protestors in Boston who are speaking out against bigotry and hate,” he went on. “Our country will soon come together as one!”

— Thousands of counter-protesters descend on Boston — 

It should be pointed out that it took him a few tries at tweeting to spell “heal” correctly.

Police in Boston arrested 27 people during Saturday’s protests and most of them were for disorderly conduct but few were arrested for assaulting police.

Rally organizers who call themselves Boston Free Speech Coalition, invited “libertarians, conservatives, traditionalists, classical liberals, Trump supporters or anyone else who enjoys their right to free speech,” to attend the rally.

They attempted to distance themselves from those who caused so much chaos in Charlottesville, saying, “We denounce the politics of supremacy and violence.”

“We denounce the actions, activities, and tactics of the so-called Antifa movement. We denounce the normalization of political violence.”

The counter-protest was organized by a coalition of left leaning groups including Black Lives Matter.

They carried signs that said things like, “No Trump. No KKK. No racist USA” and “Americans against hate.” During the march they chanted, “Hey hey, ho ho, white supremacy has got to go” and “black lives matter.”





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