White teens posing in MAGA hats at Howard University get dragged online

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Two white teenage girls were on a school trip from Union City High School in Pennsylvania visiting the sights in Washington, DC., when the school group stopped at Howard University at lunchtime.

Allie Vandee, 16, said that she was among the students wearing a Trump tee shirt and a “Make America Great Again” hat. She complained about her treatment at the HBCU, saying that “a man said ‘F*ck y’all’ to me.”

“We were not even through the front door to get through the cafeteria, and a man, a black man, walked, had walked through and took my friend Sarah’s hat right off her head,” Vandee said in a phone interview with BuzzFeed News.

Vandee said that she was not aware that this was a historically back university but that it “shouldn’t matter.”

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She also ranted on Twitter about someone who, on her school bus, told her to remove the hat because she was being racist.

“This is America. These are the people who are being racist and disrespectful,” she responded. “It’s unfortunate that Trump supporters have to fear going places that others. I will never be embarrassed for supporting Donald Trump. I will also support our president when, and wherever, I please. #MAGA”

Howard University has since responded to the incident on Twitter:

Today, there were visitors on our campus who were wearing paraphernalia that showcased their political support. This occurrence and the responses on social media that followed emphasize the need for and importance of human interaction. The recent events in Charlottesville are the latest examples of the deep divisions that exist in our country.

Though this is an institution where freedom of thought, choice, and expression are ever-present, we will never compromise our values or allow others to convince us to do so. We will remain committed to truth and service and boldly affirm who we are and what we stand for. Our campus is a space for educational engagement to occur between both those who do and do not share our values. Thankfully, when visitors set foot on our campus they are met with some of the brightest and best students in our nation. Howard students are not simply academically advanced, political activists, leaders, and mentors. Howard students represent all that is right about America.

Of course, since the incident occurred, the teens have been dragged online for wearing the MAGA hats at an HBCU, though others have criticized the trip supervisors for not explaining the historical significance of the school to the students or explaining why their gear would be offensive there.








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