One-third of all New York schools have no Latino or Black teachers

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According to a new study by EdTrust–NY, schools in New York are severely lacking in diversity when it comes to their teachers, with one third of all New York schools devoid of any Latino or Black teachers.

The study, See Our Truth, explores statewide data in a series of focus groups as well as around 100 interviews and suggests that there is a worrying gap in representation for educators.

The study found that over 115,000 Latino and Black students, or 10 percent, attend schools where there is not a teacher of the same race or ethnicity. Another 80,000, or 7 percent, attend schools where there is only one teacher of the same race or ethnicity.

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This disparity is especially true out of the so-called Big 5 school districts, where Latino and Black students outside those districts are 13 times more likely to attend a school without seeing a teacher of their same race or ethnicity.

This also means that over 560,000 white students, or 48 percent, attend schools without Latino or Black teachers.

Black and Latino educators are better represented at the school leadership level, in positions such as principal, and schools with Black or Latino principals are more likely to have minority teachers.

The report ends with recommendations to focus on better training opportunities, recruitment, and retention for teachers of color to address the divide in education for Black and Latino students and teachers.

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