Figurines depicting white cherub stepping on head of black cherub sparks outrage

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A Detroit Dollar Store removed a figurine showing a white cherub stepping on a black cherub from its shelves after customers complained about the racial undertones.

Customers at the Super Dollar Center in Lincoln Park were disturbed by the figurine and asked for it to be removed.

The figurine showed a white cherub, in armor and holding a sword, standing on the head of a black cherub with horns.

Supposedly, the figurine depicts the archangel Michael defeating Satan. But the races of the cherubs can’t be ignored.

“I just don’t like the look of it”

Several customers complained to the store, WXYZ-TV reported.

“It has a racial undertone, and why does the baby have to be black?” resident Reniqa G., told the news station. “If they wanted to portray a message, they could have been the same color — so to me, it’s almost like blacks are inferior.”

Other customers weren’t so sure.

“Racial? I’m not sure. I just don’t like the look of it,” customer Karmen Curry said.

When the news crew arrived at the store, the owner quickly started to take down the figurines. Apparently, he meant to take them down earlier, but he got distracted with the holiday season.

But when cameras showed up at his establishment, you can bet the cherubs came down. And fast.

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