Bill Maher blasts ‘f*cking fragile’ millennials in #MeToo movement


Bill Maher recently sat down with The New York Times’ Bari Weiss and the two discussed concerns they both have with the #MeToo movement.

In the past, Maher has spoken about how he felt the movement would turn McCarthyistic and in this latest Real Time interview he told Weiss that he is worried that come behaviors are being conflated.

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Weiss wrote an article recently that was titled, “Aziz Ansari Is Guilty. Of Not Being a Mind Reader.” She agreed with Maher and shared some examples of innocuous actions that she feels people are getting more alarmed about for no other reason than the current cultural climate.

Maher mentioned Matt Damon in particular and how he was slammed hard for his comments about the spectrum of behavior. He argued that Damon didn’t say anything wrong and should not be getting the level of criticism that he has been forced to deal with.

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He added that this is a generational issue. “I don’t think it’s the majority of them [millennials],” Maher said. “I think it’s the upper-middle-class kids who grew up screaming at their parents and that was okay. And they are just so f*cking fragile––excuse me––I think of them as emotional hemophiliacs and the rest of us have to be so careful around them…”

Maher and Weiss also touched on the rift within the #MeToo movement.

“First of all, address the interesting part of it, which is that the fight is really between factions of women,” Maher stated. “It’s not between men and women arguing.”

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Weiss agreed with him, noting that in her opinion the split in the #MeToo movement was between the “hard left” and liberals.

“The hard left is basically saying it’s okay if a few innocent men go down with the ship if that’s what it takes to bring down the patriarchy,” Weiss said. “They hate zero tolerance on the right when it comes to drug policy but they love zero tolerance when it comes to sexual misconduct.”


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