Bill Cosby says he’s an ‘educator and political prisoner’ in Thanksgiving tweets

In a series of tweets from the comedian over Thanksgiving doubled down and maintained that he was wrongly convicted of sexual assault, while also encouraging readership of the Black press

Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby's lawyers make an appeal (Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Bill Cosby sent out a series of tweets to his followers stating that he sees himself as an “educator” and a “political prisoner” while serving his sentence at the SCI-Phoenix maximum-security penitentiary near Philadelphia.

According to The Daily Mail, the disgraced comedian urged his supporters to step away from the mainstream media and instead give their support to Black media outlets.

READ MORE: Defiant Bill Cosby speaks from prison, not giving an inch: ‘It’s all a setup’

Cosby, 82, has been defiant since he was accused of sexual assault by dozens of women over the past few years, either denying them or saying the affairs were consensual. His 2004 encounter with Andrea Constand, for which he was convicted, he maintains was consensual. He appealed his conviction in August.

Last week, in a series of phone interviews with the National Newspaper Publishers Association’s Black Press USA, Cosby revealed that he spends a significant amount of time dedicated to helping and encouraging a large population of African American inmates through a prison reform program called Mann Up. But also warned that when he comes out, the public should not expect him to give up on asserting his innocence.

“When I come up for parole, they’re not going to hear me say that I have remorse. I was there. I don’t care what group of people come along and talk about this when they weren’t there. They don’t know.” He said defiantly, adding, “It’s all a setup. That whole jury thing. They were imposters.”

READ MORE: Cosby defiant, unremorseful in prison; says he is ‘political prisoner’

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