Elizabeth Warren comes out swinging at Michael Bloomberg at Democratic debate

Massachusetts senator calls former NYC mayor out for referring to women as ‘fat broads’ and ‘horse-faced lesbians'

Elizabeth Warren came out swinging at the billionaire former New York City mayor Bloomberg and she held no punches the entire night.

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Elizabeth Warren did not come to play with Mike Bloomberg yesterday.

READ MORE: George Zimmerman sues Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren over Trayvon Martin tweets

As soon as the proverbial bell rang at the Las Vegas Democratic debate, the Massachusetts senator came out swinging at the billionaire former New York City mayor and she held no punches the entire night. She politely raised her hand to speak before plowing into a litany of Bloomberg’s past gender and racial offenses.

“I’d like to talk about who we are running against, a billionaire who calls women ‘fat broads’ and ‘horse-faced lesbians.’” Warren shot off. “And, no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump, I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”

“Look, I’ll support whoever the Democratic nominee is but understand this: Democrats take a huge risk if we just substitute one arrogant billionaire for another,” Warren warned, comparing Bloomberg to Trump.

It was a powerful night for Warren, whose campaign had been dragging in recent weeks due to her poor showing in New Hampshire. One pollster this week even failed to include her, instead polling Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) as the only woman candidate with a chance to win the presidency, reported Rolling Stone.

Not only did Warren deliver a debate knockout to Bloomberg, but she also handed the other five Democratic candidates some smoke as well. She ended with a plea to Americans on why her candidacy is so important.

“This country has worked for the rich for a long time and left everyone else in the dirt,” Warren said at the debate. “It is time to have a president who will be on the side of working families and be willing to get out there and fight for them. That is why I am in this race and that is how I will defeat Donald Trump.”

Warren’s performance went over big with political pundits, former democratic rivals and social media users.

“Tonight was like watching Bloomberg’s first day in the prison yard and Warren immediately making him her bitch,” opined Larry Wilmore.

“Look at what Elizabeth Warren did to Bloomberg within seconds. Tonight, she made it irrevocably clear that she would absolutely demolish Donald Trump – and win. Don’t let those cute cardigans fool you,” tweeted Ashlee Marie Preston.

Julian Castro, former secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama and recent Democratic presidential candidate himself, also loved what he saw.

“Elizabeth Warren shows in debate after debate that she’s the candidate with the experience, plans, and vision to unite our country to beat Trump. The media may try to count her out. But she will keep persisting and showing why she’s the best person for the job,” tweeted Castro.