Large, Hollywood-style ‘Trump’ sign erected in Los Angeles

The sign, almost 10 feet tall, was seen along the 405 freeway

A large sign appeared along the 405 freeway in Sepulveda Pass in California on Tuesday. The sign said ‘Trump’ in bold white letters similar to the ones on the Hollywood sign and stood about 10 feet tall, according to Kron4 news.

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But it had to come down. Work crews demolished the sign which faced northbound lanes near Getty Center Drive. Police say it was becoming a traffic hazard as motorists began to slow down to take pictures of it. According to California Highway Patrol’s incident log, the sign, discovered at 6:41 a.m., was a “traffic hazard.”

It was also located in a dry area making it susceptible to forest fires that are currently plaguing parts of the state. That particular area is known for destructive bush fires like last year’s Getty fire or the 2017 Skirball Fire.

Earlier this year, a smaller fire disrupted the hillsides of Sepulveda Pass. Unfortunately, wildfires like the ones in the past are continuing to escalate and according to the Associated Press, one fire, August Complex, has now burned 1 million acres.

“If that’s not proof point, testament, to climate change, then I don’t know what is,” said Gov. Gavin Newsom, per the Associated Press. The fires, in total, have burned through 4 million acres, double in comparison to previous years. Many speculate they are happening due to man-made climate change, which is why the sign posed a risk of further accelerating any fires that might break out.

The letters were found on private property but it is unclear who owns the property or who put the sign up.

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It’s also currently unknown any point the sign was trying to make just four weeks away from the general election. News reporters say they were surprised by the sign’s placement on the California highway above Hollywood, considering it is typically a Democratic, liberal area.

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