Watch: A new documentary highlights Black boarding schools

“Sacred Soil: The Piney Woods School Story” delves into the historical backdrop of one of America’s oldest Black boarding schools.

Did you know that Black boarding schools still exist in the United States? The Piney Woods School is one of four remaining Black boarding schools in America, founded in 1909 by Laurence C. Jones. J.J. Anderson, the director of “Sacred Soil: The Piney Woods School Story,” says Piney Woods was a way to provide opportunities to kids of the formerly enslaved. Anderson stopped by “theGrio with Eboni K. Williams” to discuss “Sacred Soil” and why she fought so hard for its title. The filmmaker says she chose Piney Woods for this documentary because a lot of people do not know Black boarding schools even exist.

Watch the full interview below and tune into “theGrio with Eboni K. Williams” at 6 p.m. EST every weeknight.

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