About Autumn A. Arnett

Autumn A. Arnett is the executive director of the Brilliance, Excellence and Equity Project, a national nonprofit organization that works to achieve equity in gifted education through culturally responsive teacher training. She is the author of Let’s Stop Calling it an Achievement Gap and Radical Ideas for Educating Black Children, both available on Amazon.

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Tupac, Dear Mama, thegrio.com
May 4, 2023
What is missing from “Dear Mama,” the Tupac docu-series is the benefit of understanding youth and brain development.
August 31, 2022
Data show that Black and Hispanic students are more likely to be identified as gifted by teachers who look like them.
Autumn A. Arnett with her children
October 21, 2021
Autumn A. Arnett shares her experience as a Black woman who chose to move her family out of the U.S. and “survivor’s guilt” for being happy.
November 7, 2020
Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris is now a heartbeat away from the presidency — but her election means so much more than that.