Single and Living Fab: Jacque Reid on how the ‘angry black woman’ stereotype harms our relationships
This video is part two in a series in which Jacque Reid takes a closer look at the the so called single black female syndrome. Jacque Reid is joined by licensed mental health expert Asha Tarry, who feels black women are being unfairly labeled.
Unfortunately the world is still quick to label black women as angry.
Even many black men get in on the stereotyping. So how does that impact our relationships, especially with black men? Are our legitimate concerns and feelings being dismissed, because it is just assumed that we are in a perpetual state of being unreasonably ‘pissed off’? Or do we hold back expressing our true feelings out of fear that we will be labeled as angry?
This video is part two in a series in which I take a closer look at the the so called single black female syndrome. I’m joined by licensed mental health expert Asha Tarry, who feels black women are being unfairly labeled, but adds that how we decided to deal with it could be problematic for our relationships.
View part two above, and stay tuned for the next video in this series. Check out more on similar issues relating black women living well on my site,
View part one in my series on the ‘angry black women’ issue here.
Follow Jacque Reid on Twitter @jacquereid