Baby born New Year's Day and shares same birthday with parents

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

Every birthday is special, but one Ohio baby shares her birthday with both her parents and the new year.

Born New Year’s Day, Baby Autumn came into the lives of Raheen and Qiana Stover on the first morning of 2015. It also happened to be Raheen’s 36th birthday and Qiana’s 34th.

As to how all three of them plan to celebrate a single birthday together, Raheen says, “I’m dealing with how are we going to celebrate our birthdays next year and instead of one big birthday cake, we’ll all get our own cake, but maybe we can each get our own special day. One of us can take the 31st, the other New Year’s Day and the other January 2nd.”

To the Stover family: Happy New Year, happy birthday, and congratulations!