Clinton camp backs Jill Stein’s election recount efforts

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

As soon as Hillary Clinton’s campaign stated on Saturday that they will be taking part in efforts, along with the Green Party candidate Jill Stein, to push for recounts President-elect Donald Trump was quick to dismiss their efforts.

He stated that, “the election is over” and went on to say, “The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, ‘We must accept this result and then look to the future.'”

He also attacked Jill Stein and her efforts as a “scam.”

“This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn’t even on the ballot in many states, to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount,” Trump said. “This is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded, and the results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused, which is exactly what Jill Stein is doing.”

— Jill Stein raises $4.5M to recount votes in three swing states — 

Stein on the other hand, has said that Trump’s claims are wrong.

“For his information, this is all going into a dedicated and segregated account so that it can only be spent on the recount,” she told CNN. “He may be creating his own facts here as he’s been known to do some times in the past,” Stein added. “He himself said it was rigged election unless he won it.” She went on.

Stein decided to raise money for the recounts after hearing about some voter discrepancies though so far, the recount has not shown any tampering or hacking of any kind.

“I will do a recount in any state where the deadline has not passed. Help my staff find state deadlines … #Recount2016,” Stein tweeted.

Clinton’s lead in the popular vote has grown to over 2 million.