Mall of America hires its first black Santa

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

Larry Jefferson is the first black Santa at the Mall of America.

On Thursday, the mall hit a milestone in its 24-year history when it brought in a Santa that represents the diversity of its shoppers a little better, and the Mall of America said that the change had been “a long time coming.”

We want Santa to be for everyone, period,” said Landon Luther, co-owner of the Santa Experience which has for ten years run the photos at the mall.

— Kevin Hart in talks to play Santa in upcoming Disney film — 

Now, from Thursday to Sunday, Jefferson is available by appointment to ask kids what they want this year for the holidays. Santa Larry not only gives out candy canes but gives kids tips on how not to wind up on Santa’s naughty list: “Clean your rooms, eat your vegetables and do what your mommy and daddy say all year.”

As for the novelty of a black Santa, Jefferson said that to the kids, it doesn’t even matter.

“What they see most of the time is this red suit and candy,” he said. “[Santa represents] a good spirit. I’m just a messenger to bring hope, love and peace to girls and boys.”