Trump declares April ‘National Sexual Assault Awareness Month’

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President Donald Trump continued an Obama tradition of issuing a proclamation to designate April as National Sexual Assault Awareness month, reports CNN.

Trump – who has been accused by 15 women of sexual assault – issued the proclamation on Friday in a statement saying:

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“Sexual assault crimes remain tragically common in our society, and offenders too often evade accountability.”

He continues: “These heinous crimes are committed indiscriminately: in intimate relationships, in public spaces, and in the workplace,” the presidential proclamation from the White House states.

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April has been designed as National Sexual Assault Month since 2011. Back in 2010, President Barack Obama started the tradition of issuing a proclamation to observe the month.

We’re sure if he knew that, he’d cancel April altogether.

Some 15 women have come out accusing Trump of a range of sexual abuse allegations before he became president. At least 13 women said Trump attacked them. He has died all the claims.

Stormy Daniels Sex Scandal

Trump is not only tone-deaf about what sexual abuse means, but he’s trying to hide his other extramarital affairs.

After months of being a political talking point, it turns out Stormy Daniels was telling the truth about her affair with Trump.

Tuesday, the results from a polygraph were released, stating the porn star was “truthful about having unprotected vaginal intercourse with Donald Trump in July 2006.”

The test was reportedly administered at a doctor‘s office in Las Vegas in 2011, well before Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, signed a hush agreement.

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The examiner found that the “probability of deception was measured to be less than 1%” – which in laymen’s terms means theres more than a 99% probability that what she said happened actually took place.

Daniels originally took the test at the request of InStyle Magazine, after she’d conducted a lengthy interview with them about her year-long affair with Trump.

“Based off of the interview, we had her take the polygraph test to confirm the details of what she was telling us,” Jordi Lippe-McGraw, the reporter who conducted told CNN. “There wasn’t much in the way of physical evidence, per se.”