Beyoncé and Jay-Z apply to trademark Blue Ivy's name
The Carters applied on January 26th to trademark their daughters name. They did this with the intention of creating a line of baby carriages and products in the future...

Ever since the birth of Blue Ivy Carter the name of Beyoncé and Jay Z’s child has been all over the tabloids. Millions of dollars have been offered for the first pictures and so far nobody has obtained them. The Washington Post reports that the Carters applied on January 26th to trademark their daughters name. They did this with the intention of creating a line of baby carriages and products in the future.
On Jan. 26, new parents Beyoncé and Jay-Z filed an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to protect the baby’s name — and reserve it for a future line of baby carriages, baby cosmetics, diaper bags and other undoubtedly fabulous accoutrements for the fashion-forward infant.
In the superstar industrial complex, trademarking your baby’s name is just smart business. There all sorts of folks who might try to slap it on some tacky baby bib.
To wit: Fashion designer Joseph Mbeh, who submitted an application to trademark “Blue Ivy Carter NYC” on Jan. 11 — just four days after the baby was born. Another applicant filed on Jan. 20 for “Blue Ivy Carter Glory IV” to use on a line of fragrances. The trademark office has already denied both filings, saying the name belonged to a “very famous infant ” and consumers would falsely assume that the products were approved by the celebrity parents.
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