Tyler Perry faces fan backlash over Kardashian casting
theGRIO REPORT - Tyler Perry's loyal fans are outraged that Kim Kardashian will be starring in his latest film project 'The Marriage Counselor.' His loyal followers are speaking out....

Last month Tyler Perry announced that Kim Kardashian would be co-starring in his new film The Marriage Counselor.
Today, fans of Perry are finding it ironic that Kardashian will be lending her talents to a film about marriage, after the highly publicized split from her ex Kris Humphries.
Slideshow: Tyler Perry’s Big Happy Hollywood Family
Perry has long been known for connecting with his strong and loyal fan base through his personal website. He often updates projects, releases personal statements and even responds to comments from the site’s members.
TylerPerry.com is currently flooded with countless pages of his loyal supporters expressing outrage in Kardashian taking part in his project.
Some of Perry’s long term supporters, many of whom are religiously conservative, have spoken up and said this is the final straw. A few are even threatening to never support any of his future projects unless he re-thinks his casting decision.
The ubiquity of Kardashian’s media coverage is only fueling the comments# from his fans.
– “This is my first comment ever and have chosen to post it on your website. I have always loved your movies. You being a christian comes out in your movies. They are in good taste and I enjoy the trash-free scripts. I was very disappointed to hear you are having a reality star by the name of Kim Kardashian star in one of your movies called “The Marriage Counselor”. I will boycott the movie if Kim Kardashian is in it. Like I said before this is my first time writing in anyone’s blog but felt the need to do this. These people (Kardasians) are what is wrong with our society today. They are bad role models for our youth today.”
– “Tyler, I just read that Kim Kardashian will have a role in your upcoming film “The Marriage Counselor.” I love all of your work but come on Kardashian!! Haven’t we all had enough of her already. I think we all need to stop giving them so much attention. Don’t really want to hear or see any of the Kardashians!!!”
– “Mr. Perry… Please rethink using Kim Kardashian in your movie. You are a man who inspires people with your integrity. I don’t care that she got a divorce, many do. She would be such a distraction to your movie. You are a genius. Please don’t get caught up in the hype. I cannot support a movie that she is in. The poor thing needs to learn how to be a person, not a robot… Help her, help herself.”
– “Mr. Perry I’m so sorry you have made the decision to keep Kim Kardashian in your movie. I will tell you my friends and family and church are rallying together and will be picketing filming and movie showings if she remains in the film. Do the right thing…she has no morals!”
Perry recently spoke to TMZ about the fan backlash on his website and said that although his fans are upset, he is not planning to swap out Kim for another actress.
“She is scheduled to work as planned,” said Perry.
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