An open letter to Cleveland: Lay off LeBron!
OPINION - I know you're hurting, but LeBron's decision is about business -- not betrayal...

While I now live in Baltimore, many people know I am a proud native of Cleveland (check out my May blog post, “Mistake by the Lake? Yo’ Mama!”)
But after NBA superstar, LeBron James, announced Thursday night he was leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers to join the Miami Heat, my Cleveland pride quickly turned into Cleveland shame.
No, not because we’ve now lost any chance of winning a sports championship in my lifetime – but because some folks in Cleveland clearly lost their minds over James’ decision.
Let’s start with the bitter “burning jerseys” Cavs fans. My mouth literally dropped as I watched the images on ESPN of James’ #23 jersey being burned to the ground. Talk about Hot in Cleveland! But that was nothing compared to the fiery words that came from Cavaliers’ owner, Dan Gilbert.
Here’s just a taste of what Gilbert said in an open letter to Cavs fans:
The self-declared former “King” will be taking the “curse” with him down south. And until he does “right” by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma.
In the words of my 89-year-old grandmother, “Is he on that dope?” Not only was Gilbert completely unprofessional with that letter, but he was also delusional! If anybody believes the Cavs will now win a championship before the King gets a ring, then they must be on that dope!
Look, I’m not saying Cavs fans shouldn’t be upset or disappointed or saddened by James’ decision. I mean, he did drag it out for days, only to crush our poor, little loyal hearts to pieces on national television (yeah, not a good look, Bron Bron).
But the city of Cleveland has suffered enough embarrassment over the years: from a stolen football team to a burning river. We do not need to be burning jerseys or cursing a kid who just wants to pursue his dreams! The guy did dedicate seven years of his young life to the Cavs. Some of ya’ll won’t stay at a job for 7 months if you don’t get a raise!
So with that said… here’s my open letter to the good people of Cleveland:
I know you’re hurting, but LeBron’s decision is about business — not betrayal. And just because our city has been the butt of many jokes, doesn’t give us the right to be an ass.