Sign ignites controversy after high school football game
PAINESVILLE, Ohio - Kirtland crushed Painesville Harvey during Friday night's high school football game, but it was what happened after the game that has people talking.

By Emily Valdez
Fox 8 News
PAINESVILLE, Ohio—Kirtland crushed Painesville Harvey during Friday night’s high school football game, but it was what happened after the game that has people talking.
“At the conclusion of the game, some of their students and parents put up a sign that we believe was racial intimidation, ethnic intimidation,” said Roderick Coffee, president of the Lake County chapter of the NAACP, who was also at the game.
“For them to put it up there that was bad sportsmanship, too,” Painesville Harvey football player, Jerome Becks said.
The big sign read: ‘You Mad Bro.’
“I think the reference to ‘bro’ in the sign definitely has a racial connection to it,” said Michael Hanlon, superintendent for Painesville City Schools.
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