Teenage girl pilots plane cross country

A California teen tries to make history by reaching for the skies. Fifteen-year-old pilot Kimberly Anyadike (on-ya-DEE-kay) left Compton, California for Newport News, Virginia today. Her 10 day trip will end with a return to Compton...

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A California teen tries to make history by reaching for the skies. Fifteen-year-old pilot Kimberly Anyadike (on-ya-DEE-kay) left Compton, California for Newport News, Virginia today.

Her 10 day trip will end with a return to Compton. She’s believed to be the youngest African American female to pilot an airplane transcontinentally. A safety pilot and a Tuskegee airman are along for the ride. Anyadike calls the airmen an inspiration.

“Well, I love flying, and I want to continue on the Tuskegee Airmen legacy,” said the teenager.

Anyadike started flying when she was 12.

The trip is sponsored by Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum, which provides scholarships and after-school programs for young aspiring pilots and at-risk youth.

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