Sotomayor continues to defend “wise Latina” comment
In Washington this morning, questioning of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor has spilled over into a third day - with her controversial "wise Latina" comment still troubling Republicans, but it's unlikely to derail her confirmation...

In Washington this morning, questioning of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor has spilled over into a third day – with her controversial “wise Latina” comment still troubling Republicans, but it’s unlikely to derail her confirmation.
She’s been questioned longer than Chief Justice John Roberts and is still trying to convince skeptical lawmakers that comments off the bench won’t affect her decisions.
It’s a numbers game: there are more Democrats than Republicans in the Senate, and the Democrats are lining up in support.
“I think you’re a walking, talking example of the best part of the United States of America,” Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California said.
This morning – one of the most vocal Republicans, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, admitted it’s her speeches — not her decisions – that trouble him. “That’s what makes you to me more acceptable as a judge and not an activist.”
One issue today: gun control – whether the Second Amendment gives every American the right to bear arms.
Sotomayor declined to answer directly, “You hire judges for their judgment – not their personal views or what they think the outcome should be.”
“I don’t know how you’re gonna come out on that case,” Sen. Graham said.
With nearly 30 people to testify for and against her today, Sotomayor is still answering questions about her comment that a “wise Latina” might reach a better ruling than a white man.
“I believe that my life demonstrates that that was not my intent to leave the impression that some have taken from my words,” Sotomayor said.
“You know what, judge? I agree with you. Good luck,” Sen. Graham said.
Senate leaders expect a final vote on her confirmation in early August.