Pressure mounts for Obama to present his version of health care bill

VIDEO -- What does Barack Obama want from Congress for the nation specifically? That question, whispered by many in Washington got asked loud and clear Monday by Republican Bob Dole...

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At least 5 versions of health care reform are circulating on Capitol Hill but none is the president’s bill.

What does Barack Obama want from Congress for the nation specifically? That question, whispered by many in Washington got asked loud and clear Monday by Republican Bob Dole.

A giant of the Senate who says if the president does get specific he’s more likely to win.

Bob Dole is part of an elite group of former senate majority leaders of both parties advising Congress and the White House on health care reform.

His advice to the president is to do more and fast.

Back from Martha’s Vineyard, President Obama is still on vacation in Washington making no major moves on health care.

At the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington, Dole, says Barack Obama’s got to do more.

“He oughta pick up the mantle of leadership and go with it. I mean he is the president,” said Dole.

In an op-ed in Monday’s Washington Post, Dole says Mr. Obama ought to come out with his own specific plan now whether it’s with a public option or not.

“Many think he’s trying to duck and then if it fails he won’t be held responsible because he didn’t have a bill. Well that’s not leadership,” said Dole.

Dole says the ruckus in town halls that’s giving lawmakers cold feet about big change would die down.

“The president’s introduction of his bill, the Obama bill, would trump everything.” Dole said.

The White House reacted to Dole’s criticism.

“To characterize the role that the president is playing as inactive would be inaccurate,” said White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs.

But if the polls are accurate, the president’s public support is down to 50 percent.

“The opponents of health care reform are united and attacking anything that moves on Capitol Hill whereas the supporters – the proponents -don’t have a single bill to rally around,” said Scott Keeter of the Pew Research Center.

A single health care reform bill that Bob Dole says Barack Obama needs to get out and get behind.

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