Detroit youth create anti-marijuana PSA

VIDEO -- A group of Detroit teenagers are using their talents to create a PSA that will hopefully keep their peers off drugs. A recent study across Detroit...

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A group of Detroit teenagers are using their talents to create a PSA that will hopefully keep their peers off drugs. A recent study across Detroit say more than a third of teens have sold, smoked or been offered pot.

A group of teens are trying to make a difference by changing the perception surrounding pot use.

Two local groups, the Detroit Recovery Project and the Youthville Digital Arts Program, gave a group of teens the tools they needed to create a public service announcement on the dangers of smoking marijuana.

The teens said they wanted to use multi-media to counteract the multitude of celebrities, songs and movies telling teens it’s okay to use marijuana. The teens said there is a social norm around marijuana in their community, and many of the teens said their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and neighbors smoke pot.

The film, ‘Where will you be when the smoke clears,’ was produced, edited and written by the teens. The teens said they believe their passion and perspective will make a big impression on their friends and neighbors.

“It’s our voice. Teens listen to teens better than adults,” said Montez Brooks, with Youthville.

The PSA and an anti-drug campaign kicks off in the Detroit public schools in October.

The Youthville teens just hope the PSA will teach their peers a better understanding of what the drug does to their body and future.

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