Latinos and blacks in Calif. more likely to die of H1N1 than whites
From the LA Times - Latinos, blacks and Native Americans in California have been more likely to die from swine flu than whites. Other states are studying the trend as well...

From the Los Angeles Times
California Latinos have been nearly twice as likely as whites to die of H1N1 flu since the pandemic began last spring, according to statewide figures released Thursday by the California Department of Public Health.
Over the same months, blacks in the state have been 50% more likely to die of H1N1 flu than whites, the report said.
“Not everybody has been impacted equally” by H1N1, said state epidemiologist Dr. Gilberto Chavez, who added that statistics have shown “very important racial disparities” in H1N1 mortality and hospitalization rates.
Chavez said blacks were three times as likely as whites to be hospitalized with H1N1 flu, and Latinos twice as likely. Native Americans, who make up most of the “other” category in state H1N1 data, are also more likely to be hospitalized and die of H1N1 flu than whites, he said.
Continue at the LA Times for the full article.
Other states and major cities are studying this trend as well, including Boston, Chicago, and New York.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has more information on the impact of H1N1 on the African-American community.
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