Caught on tape: 67-year-old white man pummels black passenger on bus
VIDEO - It started as an argument that seemed to be a simple misunderstanding over a comment made while taking a seat...

Another verbal fight that turned into fisticuffs was posted on YouTube Tuesday. This incident happened Monday in Oakland.
In the video, a man who announces himself as a 67-year-old gets into it with a much younger fellow passenger. While it happened in the East Bay, the tiff is reminiscent of not one but two YouTubed fights on Muni lines in San Francisco which took place last year.
It started as an argument that seemed to be a simple misunderstanding over a comment made while taking a seat.
The two separated with one moving to the front of the bus for a time. But that time out did not last long.
More words are exchanged. Then the younger man walks up front for some more yelling followed by fists flying.
Note: the older gentlemen is wearing a light blue t-shirt that reads, “I am a mother*#**r.
After the fight, the older guy gets off the bus while the younger guy deals with his injuries, including a fairly bloody face.